Seth's Sasquatches
Emotional Support Elementary/Middle School
"Social behavior and the capacity to manage challenge are dependent on the neural regulation of physiological state."
Dr. Stephen Porges
Our teachers and specialists at White Clay view behaviors comprehensively and in a holistic brain/body paradigm. We rename our classrooms nests, because it is only in such a nurturing and safe setting that authentic emotional healing and growth can occur. In our ES Nest, we understand the difference between behavioral compliance and building the capacity for emotional regulation that underlies behavioral control. Through our training in therapeutic crisis intervention, our staff approaches each child from a bottom up perspective to understand the origins of our students' mild to moderate behaviors that have impeded their success in a traditional classroom.
We understand that behavioral challenges are a child's way of communicating and coping with sensory challenges. Our occupational and speech therapists work with our students to understand each of our student's sensory systems. This provides us with window into potential triggers and a helpful set of strategies to better help our kids cope with the anxieties they encounter in their environment.
With this information, we create an emotional support plan for each of our students as we implement a full academic curriculum across all areas. We will then provide our RTI Tier 3 academic interventions in areas where they show both cognitive deficits and areas of strength. This small classroom of up to 8 students, stresses building student and community relationships through therapeutic approaches and collaborative academic programming. We provide our kids with enriching and engaging activities which serve to support : emotional regualtion, attention, coping skills, pragmatic communication skills, social interactions, critical thinking, executive function, flexibility and recovery skills. We have the following classrooms in our Sasquatch Nests:
ES 1 (grades 1 to 3)
ES 2 (grades 3 to 4)
ES 3 (grades 4 to 6)
ES 4 (grades 6 to 8)
We pull from the following curriculums for each of our student's appropriate academic programming.
Explode/Beyond the Code
SRA Reading Mastery
Verbalizing Visualizing
Wilson Fundations
Orten Gillingham- ISpire
Attainment’s Early Literacy Program
Reading A to Z
Road to Reading
Reading Assist
Attainment Literacy Series
Language Arts
Just Write Workbook Series
SRA Language for Learning
Writing A to Z
Wordly Wise
Keystone Reading
Touch Math
Attainment’s Hands on Math Series
Modern Curriculum Press
Everyday Math
Splash Learn
In science we were able to create bubbles inside of bubbles by experimenting with the cohesiveness of water molecules. We figured out that we could create up to 4 bubbles inside a bubble as long a we inserted a straw that was wet...and we could keep the bubble intact even after we poked it with our long as our fingers were wet! Bubbles are the best!
Holt Literacy
A to Z Reading
Language Arts
Source book
Write Source
Wordly Wise
EPS Writing Skills
Holt Language
Holt Math
MCP Math
Key to Math
Everyday Math
Envision Math
Examining one of our favorite invertebrates...earthworms!
Following directions is always more fun when you add music to it!
Music Class
Our job was to buy the pies (and whipped cream) for our Thanksgiving meal donations!